
Tuesday, 27 December 2011

=) cureheart + random awesome..hehehe..chill

Assalamualaikum and hello world ..

oh man, how i wish i could never experience the "yesterday awful moment" ..hurm dude please don`t do that again i`m begging you..It`s sucks me largh.You make my tears falling over and over..(maybe org lain suker klo ko wat cam tuh but dhia x suker)
By the way i am such a lucky girl cause my friends are always be there for me..Erm they somehow emerged magically  from nowhere like they know im enduring a super duper major mega problem... 10s to ifa + iz + fz for willing to hear my "cure heart"..Now, i`m move on cause game is on!!
good news ==>i`m determine to off to a new school next session (boarding school..hope so) bak kter sowang  kawan dhia  nih (10s for your support) =

a) iz =Lorh...sian2...jumpe pengetue kami la nanti...kompem dpt...sbb ramai xde da taun depan...kamu jumpe die kat pejabat die...kamu da la straight A...lgi la die terime...^_^
Haha...sementare je dok situ...nanti kalau2 kamu dpt tawaran skola len pindah la...^_^
Barang2 smkasas dlu ade lgi x?

b and c) ifa+fz chill2

they kinnda awesome cause they forever & always know how to bring back the smile written in my face

ironinyer buat dhia = klo x dapat tawaran i`m determine to return back to my first love (kasas).. Insyaallah everything is gonna be awesome =)

yaah, that word a.w.e.s.o.m.e.(spell it right!!) = awesome.I`m kindda love that word majorly.. 
erm so for today i just want to share you about "awesome"..hurmm according to wikipedia awesome means means which inspires awe.(klik kat awe tuh klo concious lagii)
while having a blast time goggling the Y.T or we called as youtube, I incidentally found this song called RANDOM AWESOME,  an english song by Yuna.In a fraction of second, i listen to the song and suddenly my mind speaks up "owh how much i love this song"..hehehe..so yaah this is 3 reason why i fond of it

1) ader perkataan awesome
2) byk vocab blajar such as checkered
3) care sebutan (dhia blajar crer nak sebut dgr laguu largh instead of dgn ckgu)

but before that erm..sorry this song is a bit lagho. I pick this in Y.T cause there is ..sorry again..
shorten , there here it goes  =)


p/s           ==> best gak perkataan "awesome" nih..buddies especially (3 kaa ship organization) jgn jelous k..now you know why i love awesome..hahaha.. >>merepek jap<< .hehehe =)

monologue ==> seriously, i don`t know what dumped you but please get rid of me from your  absurd confession..‎I kindda shocked by your action cause you already know that it is prohibited in Islam..by the way = cinta adalah hadiah dari Allah.Kita mestii suka hadiah kan?? tapi adakah wajar jika hadiah lebih disukai daripada pemberi hadiah..i`m waiting for "him" = "D" one who Allah let me to belong him in Halal way (married ties insyallah amin)..

I don't know what I want, so don't ask me
cause I'm still trying to figure it out
don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking
trying to see through the rain coming down
even though I'm not the only one
who feels the way I do.

maybe I'm just a girl on a mission
but I'm ready to fly..
I'm alone, On my own, and thats all i know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
OH I'm alone, On my own, and thats all i know

 The end :o diaapplestory

Monday, 26 December 2011

( ' 10 q = lOLSzismefef ' )

attention : cut and paste from youtube jer nih..yg detail kat bwah nii poon youtuber tuh yg tulis..harap maklum..ASSALAMUALAIKUM AND HELLO WORLD =)

A conversion of market-breaking Cinta Muka Buku by Najwa Latif with lyrics with better messages to the Muslim youths. All copyrights goes to Najwa Latif for the original song.
I got to say that Cinta Muka Buku was a great song, a very catchy and unique song, but it is sending a slightly bad idea to the teenagers out there. Firstly, pre-marital intimate relationships is forbidden. Loving someone is not wrong, because it's the very nature of human. But as soon as the characters in the original song started to take wrong actions about it, ie. asking to go out or date without legitimate ties , then the love is tainted.Islam teaches us to channel that feeling accordingly which is the ultimate conclusion of any relationship between a man and a woman, marriage. Secondly, love is degraded when the persons in the song are described to fell in love because of Facebook. Yes, there are cases in which couples married and their first meeting was on the virtual world, but there are a lot of risks and threats when we talk about online interactions and infatuations. Paedophiles,Criminals,Cheaters,Syndicate-men, Drugs Mule and any that you can think of.

Nevertheless, I want to stressed out again , Najwa Latiff is a great singer and the original song is superb. However, as a Muslim with a clear purpose in life , we need to consider the consequencesof our actions to the society. Music and arts are a great tool of dakwah , so use your talents to do something that can be beneficial to life in the Hereafter. Peace!

p/s = pas habis dgr tross smgt nak taruh kat dalam blog..bkk2 fb nmpak bnder nih..pas2 usha largh..ok nii mmg sgt awesome + nice..insaf kowt pas dgr..especially part
" if he/ she really loves you he/she wouldn`t asks you  to do something you know is wrong.It wouldn`t  be love if it means taking them further and further away from Allah ..If you really love him / her you don`t even want to touch her before it was halal ,not even the slightest  bit not even her/his hearts.You will respect his/her dignity and chastity"..

monologue = Ya Allah bantulah kami..Lindungilah cinta kami..Serahkanlah cinta kami pada yg berhak menerimanya..Kau kuatkan lah hati kami.."jadikanlah kami seorang muslim yg sentiasa mengejar cintaMU" amiin..

The end :o diaapplestory

Ablution is on!!

  • Yang praktis dan mencukupi
  • Yang sebaik-baiknya
  • Hikmah-hikmahnya
Cara atau jalan untuk membina mental dan rohani sungguh banyak sekali. Jalan yang pasti ialah mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT dan mengekalkannya yang disebut sebagai ibadah. Salah satu mata rantai ibadah itu adalah Wudhu'.
Kegunaan Air Wudhu
  • Untuk segala macam solat hukumnya wajib.
  • Untuk Thawaf di Ka'bah, thawaf apa saja, hukumnya wajib.
  • Sewaktu hendak membaca Al-Qur'an hukumnya sunnat
  • Sewaktu hendak tidur atau lain-lain perbuatan yang baik, hukumnya sunnat
Alat Yang Dipakai
Alat yang dipakai ialah air. Meskipun demikian, air yang digunakan untuk berwudhu' adalah air yang suci lagi menyucikan (pengertiannya?), iaitu: Air hujan, Air Sumur, Air Sungai, Air Laut, Air dari mata Air, Air Telaga, Air Danau, Air Ais, Air Ledeng.
Berniat dalam hati bahawa berwudhu' untuk..., lalu:
  • Membasuh muka dengan air (cukup sekali asalkan merata ke seluruh muka)
  • Basuhlan tangan hingga sampai dengan kedua siku (cukup sekali asal merata).
  • Sapulah sebahagian kepala, cukup sekali saja
  • Basuhlan kaki hingga sampai dengan kedua mata kaki (cukup sekali asal merata).
Bila dikerjakan seperti di atas, maka wudhu' sudah sah.
Berwudhu' yang lebih sempurna
Bila ingin berwudhu' lebih sempurna, yakni sempurna lahiriah dan sempurna pula dalam ganjaran, maka kerjakanlah tabahan-tambahannya dengan cara sebagai berikut:
1. Mulailah dengan mengucapkan Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahiim...
2. Menghadaplah kearah kiblat
3. Usahakanlah berwudhu' dengan tidak meminta bantuan orang lain, seperti menimba, dan sebagainya.
4. Basuhlah jari-jari tangan dengan menyelat-nyelatinya. Dan bagi jari yang bercincin, jam atau perhiasan yang dipakai di jari-jari lainnya, bukalah perhiasan tersebut agar air dapat merata membasahi seluruh jari-jari.
5. Berkumur-kumur.
6. Masukkanlah air ke dalam hidung, lalu keluarkanlah kembali (istinsyaq).
7. Gosoklah gigi untuk menghilangkan sisa makanan dan bau mulut yang kurang sedap.
8. Mulailah dengan anggota wudhu'yang sebelah kanan.
9. Ulangilah masing-masing sampai tiga kali (3X).
10. Ratakanlah air hingga membasahi seluruh anggota wudhu'
11. Ketika menyapu kepala, ratakan seluruhnya (letakkan ibu jari samping kiri dan kanan kepala, lalu putarlah telapak tangan dari depan ke belakang, kemudian kembali ke depan (cukup sekali).
12. Basuhlah telinga dengan memasukkan telunjuk ke lubang telinga, ibu jari dibelakang telinga.
13. Bila selesai berwudhu', hadapkan muka ke arah kiblat dan berdoalah dengan membaca:
Asyhadu an laa ilaaha illalaahu wa asyhadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuuluh, Allahummaj'alnii minat tawwaa biinaa waj'alnii minal mutathahhiriin.
Aku bersaksi bahwa Tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah, dan aku bersaksi bahwa sesungguhnya Muhammad itu adalah hamba-Nya dan rasul-Nya. Ya allah , masukkanlah aku ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang bertaubat, dan jadikanlah aku masuk ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang suci.
14. Lakukanlah solat sunnat wudhu' dua raka'at.
Hal-hal yang Membatalkan Wudhu'
1. Keluar sesuatu dari "dua pintu" belakang seperti buang angin (kentut), buang air besar atau kecil, haid atau nifas, dan sebaganya.
2. Hilang akal (kerana sakit, mabuk, gila dan sebagainya) . 
3. Bersetubuh.

taken from =  http://tanbihul_ghafilin.tripod.com/panduanlengkapsembahyang.htm..

Saturday, 24 December 2011


Autisme merupakan kecacatan perkembangan tegal (Inggeris: pervasive developmental disorder) yang melibatkan fungsi otak. Autisme dianggap sebagai sejenis kecacatan neurologi dan bukan kecacatan psikiatris (Inggeris: psychiatric disorder) mudah, walaupun ciri-ciri biasa termasuk masalah dengan perhubungan sosial, dan komunikasi emosi, dan juga pola biasa berkaitan dengan minat, aktiviti dan perangai. Autisme juga melibatkanmasalah dengan integrasi deria. Biasanya, autisme kelihatan pada usia awal tiga tahun. Dianggarkan bahawa autisme membabitkan dalam 2 hingga 6 kes setiap 1,000 orang, dan autisme 4 kali lebih kerap dalam kanak-kanak lelaki berbanding perempuan (dari "Autism Society of America": http://www.autism-society.org/site/PageServer ). Autisme lebih kerap dikalangan lelaki berkulit putih.
Pada masa kini, autisme boleh dirawat tetapi tidak dapat dipulihkan. (Walaupun terdapat organisasi bergelar Sembuhkan Autisme Sekarang "Cure Autism Now"). Diagnosis dan latihan awal amat penting bagi perkembangan masa hadapan kanak-kanak.
Sindrom Asperger dipercayai sebagai bentuk autisme fungsi tinggi, tetapi ini bukanlah sentiasa benar. Perbezaan utama antara sindrome Kanner, dengan autisme klassik, dan sindrome Asperger adalah Asperger tidak mempunyai kelewatan jelas dalam pertuturan, dan kecergasan adalah biasa atau lebih. Dalam autisme Kanner terdapat kelewatan jelas dalam pertuturan dan biasanya mempunyai kecergasan rendah dari kebiasaan . Autisme Kanner dengan IQ<80 dirujuk sebagai "fungsi rendah autisme", sementara sindrome Kanner dengan IQ>80 dikenali sebagai "autisme fungsi tinggi".
Pandangan lain mengenai kecacatan ini adalah autisum adalah berterusan on a continuum, dengan itu boleh juga dikenali sebagai masalah spektrum autistik autistic spectrum disorder. Masalah berterusan ( continuum ) lain yang berkait adalah Kegagalan Integrasi Deria ( Sensory Integration Dysfunction ) yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana cara kita menyelaras maklumat yang kita terima daripada deria kita. Autism, Sindrom Asperger, dan Kegagalan Integrasi Deria adalah berkait rapat dan saling bertindan.
Sesetengah individu yang berjaya dipercayai mengalami autism pada peringkat tertentu. Bagaimanapun, autism lebih kerap di dapati pada individual yang mempunyai permasalahan pembelajaran learning disabilities.
Terdapat dua jenis autism utama, autism regresif dan autism awal bayi ( early infantile autism ). Autism awal bayi hadir semasa kelahiran sementara autism regresif bermula ketika berusia 18 bulan.
Terdapat lonjakan dalam kes yang dilapurkan sedunia tentang kes autism pada 10 tahun terakhir. Terdapat banyak spekulasi mengenai mengapa ini berlaku, tanpa sebarang bukti khusus yang menyokong theori tertentu. Bagaimanapun, kajian telah menolak spekulasi bahawa peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh peningkatan dalam kaedah diognistik.
Pada abad terakhir, populasi di Amerika Syarikat meningkat 13%. Terdapat peningkatan dalam kecacatan tidak berkait dengan autism sekitar 16%. Peningkatan kadar autism pula adalah 173%.
Beberapa perkara perlu disebutkan di sini adalah:
  • fenomena idiot savant kadang-kala dilihat pada mereka yang mempunyai autism
  • autism, asperger semakin kerap dianggap sebagai keupayaan masyarakat yang berterusan ( continuum of social capability ).
  • penyelidikan terkini (kontrovesi) di UK mencadangkan kemungkinannya terdapat kaitan antara autism dan vaksin MMR
  • analisa autism sebagai kebutaan minda ( mind blindness" ) -- ketidak mampuan mencipta model fikiran orang lain. Contoh biasa adalah "where does X look for the object they stored, but which was moved by Y" -- see theory of mind
  • terdapat dakwaan terkini bahawa autism kemungkinannya didorong oleh keracunan logam berat/logam raksa (tiada sokongan dalam penulisan perubatan utama.?)
  • RDI is a treatment program targeting the core social/relationship deficits of autism
Both Oliver Sacks and Torey Hayden have written about their autistic patients or pupils, respectively. Temple Grandin has also written about her own life. Donna Williams (Autism:an inside-out approach, ISBN 1-85302-387-6) gives an interesting perspective on the experience of the person with autism.

sumber = wikipedia

Thursday, 22 December 2011

o= Forever and ALWAYZZ in my heart =0

ni argh some of ma fweend yg sgt gorgeous+machoes..
p/s=peace yoh!!cantik x bjuu klass kterorng??

ni lak jiran tersayang kiterowang (3rk)..bjuu mereker smart gak..
p/s = 9 owang dapat 8As

Assalamualaikum and hello world..Fuhh, getting stuck in a moment so (@__@) hihi

the sun shows its appearance by shining brightly accompanied by the azure skies and yaah not forgotten,the trees are swaying in the wind beautifully while the birds are chirping noisily..As usual,I,me do my mundane,genuine routine ;brush teeth,watch television and surve the net (fb) and so on..Little did I knew that how today gonna be a massive day FOR ME..ok2 actually it`s a day where i`m gonna receive my PMR result..fuhh..trembling..


 22 December 2011, the most historical moment for me,(including 3 kaa ship organization largh kan) the time where all form 3 students re-grouping,re-gathering,reunion 
( re segaler bagailah tambah sendiri) erm for one reason {receiving the Pmr Result}
fUHH..Alhamdulillah our class booked a record according to THE ChaRMING SIR ZAINAL(dah lmer nak cakap kat sir tapii maluu largh..hihihi)...aLHAMDULILLAH, 4 girls from our class receiving 9As while a boy receiving 8a 1b and 2 girls get 7a 2b.. ( slmer nih kaa mner pnah dapat 9a sampai 4 orang..huhu..bagii kitew kowang semuer cool x kisah largh straight A ker x bab korang semuer mgalami penigkatan..bak kater kawan kitew: TRIAL DOWN but PMR UP!! )


"Ya Allah, 10s for giving me the feeling again..You give me to feel the happiness again FOR the second time I`am still remember the feeling of joy when i`am receiving 5As in UPSR a few years ago but now you give me on getting straight As in PMR..I`m such a lucky girl..10s Allah"..Hope i can feel this feeling again when i`m receiving My SPM result..Amiin..


argh..just now i listening blissfully to a song (taylor swift`s song) called long live..owh man!! it`s freaking me out..awesome!!!..owh MAN how i miss all the time we together..I saw our pic..i`m alone then you came and you just shine for me..love you..You are my sweetheart,my hubby,my honeybaney and importantly my sun..huhu..10s for all the memories

  • for always reckon on me
  • for always be there for me
  • for always shine for me
  • for always backuping me
  • for always make a super duper hilarious joke      
  • for always calm myself
  • for always accepting my childish soul                
  • for always coaxing me when i mad,sad and so on
  • for always be my gorgeous and macho  friend
  • for always forgiving my ridiculous + absurd fault
  • for always teach me what Islam,live and friendship are

by the way in conclusion :10s for everything you did for me..yours is appreciated and   
                                                      Saya x kan berjaya dapat 9A klo korang x tlong sayer..korang 
                                                      adalah penyebabnyer..betool x tipu!!!

             This love is OURS!!

p/s                       => hah tu jer largh yg dapat kitew fikir nak tulis apew..but hubby,korang ttp dalam hatii ktew cause korang selalu ada bler diperlukan..hatii ktew tlh dicurii oleh korang bab tuh largh ktew x interested dalam couple2 nih..hahaha..LOL

MONOLOGUE => klo kitew pindah,hope korang ttp ingat kat kitew..kitew sayang korang banyak2..jgn sedey =fb kan ader,blog kan ader and yg penting ALLAH kan ader=always love you!!!

  ~Words don't come easy without a melody 
I'm always thinkin' In terms of do-re-mi 
I should be hikin', swimmin', laughin' with you  
Instead I'm all out of the tune
But what you don't know 
You lift me off the ground You're inspiration
  You help me find myself Just like a bass line in half time
You hold down the groove That's why I'm counting on you~

                                                          THE END :0 Diaaapplestory


]] Ya Allah 10s for the Relationship [[

Assalamualaikum and hello world =)
ok, so this entry is special for you, sayangku (my bff !!)
but b4 that enjoy this ..love you

It's so rare to find a friend like you
Somehow when you're around, the sky is always blue
The way we talk, the things you say
The way you make it all ok
And how you know, all of my jokes, but you laugh anyway!
If I could wish for one thing, I'd take the smile that you bring,
wherever you go in this world I'll come along!
Together we dream the same dream.
Forever I'm here for you, you're here for me.
Two voices, one song.
And anywhere you are,
you know I'll be around.
And when you call my name,
I'll listen for the sound!

Dear sunshine,

Hey, did you remember how we first meet each other??hurm come on let`s me brings you to that beautiful moment..ermm

date                                    = a couple weeks after school started
place                                  = 2 kaa
actors and actresses   = class member of 2 kaa


ok, i entered the class politely (not so polite sjer gimik..LOL)
ok i`ts kindda weird for me ermm..yaah..I` am a new student
 right??( but who cares??)..owh at first i didn`t recognise you, i did not notice your presence..but after something awful takes place ( not so awful..huhu) i did recognise you , i suddenly notice you..Arggh, now i`m remember ; You are the one who participated in "TUSYEN GEMILANG"..indeed you`re in the same class of mine..argh so sweet =)..from then on, our relationship began closer and closer..yaah of course largh  i`m sitting right next to you right?? (mmg argh rapat..) huhu.. as for me nothing can separate us apart..I love you from the very first day i start to recognise you.I love the way you sound in the morning..I love everything`s yours..( hah jgn blushing plak) .(n_n)..

Awak, awak,
Fuhh..awak,argh it`s has been 2 years we enduring million and one things together..I appreciate it..
10s q for willing to accept me just the way i am..I know i kindda chilldish..
sometimes (ok2 actually all the time)..hahaha LOL
but you still can hold it FOR 2 years..no kidding 2 years..I repeat 2 years!!!You never hurt myself for sure..I`m lucky to have you by my side you know..(^_^)

Dear Awak,

if i can hold on a second i`ll said that i`ll always want to be with you through thick and thin..
but i bet time is envy at us..maybe we will be separated by destiny or maybe not..erm I don`t know..I`m in a torn .. It`s hurts me badly awak =(
But awak,for the time being i promise myself to make you bliss

don`t worry i`ll be by your side:

as long as Allah let us
as long as i can
as long as destiny standing by our side
as long as you need me
as long as time ticking
sayang, keep this as an account

(walau kiter terpisah tapii jiwa kiter stick together)

you know what?? you did teach me lofty things
things that i`ll never imagine that i`ll learn it from you..
YES FROM you..MY Bff..Not others
i`m sorry if i`ve done hundreds and hundreds thing that hurt you badly
 ( sayer cinta+ sayang kamuu kerana allah)

Awak,please don`t cry again kerna hatii saya sakit + menangis tgk awak sedey..
awak,let`s do our best in SPM then..
awak, if i not be able to stay by your side again i hope you `ll be strong..I`ll let them to take care of you on behave myself..
Awak, did you know you have a beautiful smile..I enjoy myself watching you smile..cause whenever you smile i `ll smile =)                                                             "bagiku kaulah yg terindah manisnya senyuman anugerah tuhan"                       *layan lagu aizat jap..hihihi

"ku berharap dapat menggapai cintaNya bersamamu"
~ukhuwah fillah abadan abada~

                                                                                                                                Love you,
                                                                                                                               dhia @ yaya

kiter kawan selamer - lamnenyer kan
Terima kasih, cinta 
Terima kasih sahabatku
Best friend forever =)

p/s => Will you take a moment, promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if God forbid fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children some day When they point to the pictures Please tell them my name Tell them how the crowds went wild Tell them how I hope they shine..(^_^)

monologue => saya sayang awak forever, Nurul Amirah Bt Jauhari a.k.a meymey..you`re the best friend that ever been mine..baby, please don`t cry (T-T)

I'm only up when you're not down
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground
It's like no matter what I do Well, you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying
To let you know that what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you

The end :0 diaapplestory

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

!!! keep holding ON !!! (^_^)

You're not alone, together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold and it feels like the end
There's no place to go, you know I won't give in
No, I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you

There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

So far away, I wish you were here
Before it's too late this could all disappear
Before the door's closed and it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend, yeah, yeah

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you

There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Hear me when I say when I say, I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you

There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Keep holding on
Keep holding on

There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

w.h.o s.ay.s? by salina gomez

I wouldn't wanna be anybody else, hey
You made me insecure, to me I wasn't good enough
But who are you to judge
When you're a diamond in the rough

I'm sure you got some things
You'd like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn't want to be anybody else

I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me
You got every right to a beautiful life, come on

Who says, who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful, who says?

It's such a funny thing
How nothing's funny when it's you
You tell 'em what you mean
But they keep whitin' out the the truth

It's like the work of art
That never get to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won't let you touch the sky

I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me
You got every right to a beautiful life, come on

Who says, who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful, who says?

Who says you're not star potential
Who says you're not presidential
Who says you can't be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me

Who says you don't pass the test
Who says you can't be the best
Who said, who said?
Would you tell me who said that, yeah
Who said

Who says, who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful, who says?

Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful, who says?

Monday, 12 December 2011

attention : i`m suffer from school fever

 !!dude back to school..miss you thisss much school cause someone special there!!

Fuhh..I am trembling right now;my heart beats faster than usual..AM i fallen in love or what??..dont know and don`t think so..Oh i know it`s because of back to school fever (dah macam bieber fever plak dah) hahaha..Hah,hurmm i know it is just in the nick of time So, as for today,oh baby, i think i wanna marry you.. wanna write about school and my preparation toward it..Oh excited excited!!

Before that, let me give you the definition of school,teacher  and students                        (according to wikipedia)

First thing first,
  • S.C.H.O.O.L (speel it right) = SCHOOL
A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory..

  • T to the E to the a c h e r (cheer stuff..guess so) =TEACHER
 A teacher or schoolteacher is a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults)

  • s2dents (teens style) = STUDENTS
A student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. In some nations, the English term (or its cognate in another language) is reserved for those who attend university, while a schoolchild under the age of eighteen is called a pupil in English (or an equivalent in other languages). In its widest use, student is used for anyone who is learning.

hmmm =>back to the topic again ; "school and my preparation toward it"

as for me..school is school issssssssssssssssssssssssss....
s.c.h.oo.l is awesomeeee..huhu
owh,it`s a waited moment;I` am soooo excited cause it is time to go back to school again
where there i gonna meet "her" and meet "him" after a super dooper long time
what?? who are them..owh man it`s secret..
you know what?? i kindda yearn "her" and "him" majorly
but i also looooooooooooooooooveeeeeeeeee them heartly
erm..ok..ok.. i`ll tell you..they are 3 kaa ship organization..
hahaha..see i told you before don`t ever ever underestimate me..I`m  not a lesbian and yes of course i don`t have A BOY FRIEND..(ok tipu largh, x kan x der bf..aper kawan ko tu bukan lelaki ker??)..  "ukhuwah fillah abadan abada "
ok.sorry dude..What I mean is I don`t have any Special BOY FRIEND..I repeated SPECIAL BOY FRIEND..cewah..not interested, I prefer the legal relationship (married ties)
so to show all my love and how excited i`am to back to school, i`ve done some window shopping and yup not forgotten done some shopping for several useful, kindda awesome and must-buy stuffs such  as

teringat plak zaman kindergarten gituh.hahaha

  • kain ela (used them in making my pride and joy, "da" school attire) 
  • cool shoes (ala window shopping jer)
  • not so azure veil (ermm...i hope)
  • a brownish  Pashmina shawl (ok=nii x der kaitan lgsg)
  • "a" cute hair clip (ops..terlebih shopping sudah;dasar kejam belii bab comel)

p/s            => argh..i kindda blurr right now..didn`t know what to write about anymore..so, i think this is all for today..see you again sweetheart , p.c
ok..it`s (this p.o.s.t) kindda boring..well, i`m just a normal human being with a childish soul inside
 (ayat klise..hahaha)LOL

monologue => awak tak mara saya kan?? hah sebab tu largh saya sayang awak sgt2..awak wat saya special !!! (n_n)

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
~It's a roller-coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much~

                                                                                                                        THE END :0 diaapplestory

Sunday, 11 December 2011

عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن خلدون الحضرمي

Tokoh Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khaldun ataupun lebih dikenali dengan Ibn Khaldun merupakan salah seorang pakar sains Islam yang hidup antara tahun 1332 - 1395.

Nama penuhnya adalah Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr Muhammad ibn al-Hasan Ibn Khaldun lahir pada 27 Mei 1332 di Tunisia dan meninggal 17 Mac 1406 di Kaherah, Mesir.

Keluarga Ibn Khaldun merupakan orang berada yang memberikan pendidikan terbaik kepadanya. Ibn Khaldun merupakan salah seorang pakar sejarah Arab teragung, juga dikenali sebagai bapa kepada sejarah kebudayaan dan sains sosial moden. Ibn Khaldun turut mengembangkan falsafah tidak berasaskan keagamaan paling awal, terkandung dalam karyanya Muqaddimah (“Pengenalan”). Ibn Khaldun juga menulis sejarah Muslim di Afrika Utara yang terulung.
Ibn Khaldun menjawat beberapa jawatan di bawah pemerintah Tinisia dan Morocco dan pada tahun 1363 bertindak sebagai duta raja Moor di Granada, kepada Pedro Kejam Castile "the Cruel of Castile".
Ibn Khaldun belayar ke Alexandria pada Oktober 1382, dimana beliau menghabiskan riwayatnya sebagai guru dan pensyarah di Al-Azhar dan universiti lain. Ibn Khaldun juga pernah dilantik sebagai Hakim Diraja oleh Sultan Abul Abbas, Cairo dan mengerjakan haji pada 1387.
Ibn Khaldun menyertai orang-orang Mesir dalam kempen mereka memerangi Tamerlane, pemerintah Mongol, dan bertanggung jawab mengatur penyerahan diri bandar Damsyik semasa ketiadaan Sultan Faraj.

Karya teragungnya iaitu Muqaddimah bermula sebagai penulisan mengenai sejarah orang-orang Arab dan Barber, tetapi mengandungi pendekatan saintifik mengenai pemahaman sejarah, politik, dan ekonomi. Ibn Khaldun juga mempercayai bahawa perkara yang di kurniakan Allah boleh dibuktikan secara empirikal.

Ibn Khaldun juga memajukan konsep ekonomi, perdagangan dan kebebasan. Ibn Khaldun membangunkan idea bahawa tugas kerajaan hanya terhad kepada mempertahankan rakyatnya dari keganasan, melindungi harta persendirian, menghalang penipuan dalam perdagangan, mencetak dan menguruskan penghasilan wang, dan melaksanakan kepimpinan politik bijaksana dengan perpaduan sosial dan kuasa tanpa paksaan.

Dalam segi ekonomi, Ibn Khaldun memajukan teori nilai dan hubungkaitnya dengan tenaga buruh, memperkenalkan pembahagian tenaga kerja, menyokong pasaran terbuka, menyedari kesan dinamik permintaan dan bekalan keatas harga dan keuntungan, menolak cukai yang tinggi, menyokong perdagangan bebas dengan orang asing, dan percaya kepada kebebasan memilih bagi membenarkan rakyat bekerja keras untuk diri mereka sendiri.

Tambahan lagi, Ibn Khaldun terkenal kerana hasil kerjanya dalam sosiologi, astronomi, numerologi, kimia, dan sejarah. Secara berseorangan, Ibn Khaldun telah meletakkan titik mula bagi tradisi intelelek pemikiran bebas Islam dan Arab, kerajaan bertanggung jawab, pasaran efficent, penyiasatan sains empirikal, pengkajian sosialogi, dan penyelidikan sejarah.

"Sesiapa jua yang mengambil harta orang lain, atau menggunakannya untuk kerja paksa, atau membuat tuduhan yang tidak wajar hendaklah ingat bahawa ini adalah apa yang Pemberi Hukum maksudkan apabila melarang ketidakadilan."
- Ibn Khaldun-

= Khalid ibni al-Walid =

Khālid ibn al-Walīd juga dikenali sebagai Saifullah al-Maslul                                                       (bermaksud Pedang Allah yang terhunus atau Pedang Allah),
adalah antara panglima tentera Arab yang memainkan peranan penting dalam peperangan antara tentera Islam dengan tentera Byzantine dan tentera Parsi pada kurun ketujuh. Beliau terkenal dengan kebijaksanaan dalam peperangan dan mengepalai tentera Islam ketika zaman Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dan juga zaman khalifah Abu Bakar as-Siddiq dan Umar Al-Khattab.Pencapaian terulung ialah dimana beliau berjaya mengalahkan pasukan Byzantine dan Parsi dalam masa tiga tahun sahaja.
Khalid ibn Walid adalah bangsa Arab berketurunan Quraisy yang pernah suatu menentang Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Beliau merupakan seorang askar yang aktif ketika Perang Uhud menentang tentera Islam. Ketika Perjanjian Hudaibiyah, Khalid memeluk Islam dan memohon maaf kepada nabi Muhammad atas tindakan beliau sebelum ini. Ketika zaman nabi Muhammad, beliau menyertai tentera Islam dalam Perang Mu'tah dan juga perang-perang lain. Selepas kewafatan nabi, beliau dilantik penglima perang dan mengetuai ekspedisi menentang tentera Sassanid Parsi dan tentera Byzantine Rom.

Khalid ibni al-Walid
592 - 642 pada umur 50 tahun
Gelaran Pedang Allah
Tempat lahir Makkah, Arab Saudi
Tempat wafat Hims, Syria
Kesetiaan Khulafa al-Rasyidin
Pangkat Ketua Panglima Tentera Islam

a story on adik sayang ( ^ _^ )

akak sayang hadziq forever.10s for being my macho adik =)

Assalammualaikum and hello there world
So,after a long long long (bper bnyk long daa) time this blog is empty with entry,Finally i`m here,TODAY, updating an entry or formally we called it P.O.S.T in my blog.so, for this special day,as an opening entry celebrating my first P.O.S.T in DECEMBER and my comeback (hahahah)  I think I wanna write about a story which touched myself indeed.AcT, this entry is special for someone special in my heart named HAZIQ..(jap2 jangan fikir lain he`s not my BF ok) act,He is my six years old nephew.So,

                                                        ~Here it`s goes~

Once upon a time, I believe it was a Friday
When I caught your eye
And we caught onto something, I hold on to the night
You looked me in the eye and told me you want to learn performing solah with me.
Then, the beautiful conversation between me and you occur for a while

(english version)

me   :Adik,Were you just pulling out my legs?cause it`s seem to me it was 
him  : nope..no kidding kak, I really really want to learn it kak

I was speechless and dumbfounded.Dude, I really really touched with his awesome words or should I said request.10s Allah for opens his heart.I am really really blessed and happy with it. That the best word from his mouth since he ever talks to me..Ok adik let`s do it.
~Allah is the most Almighty~
Then,without wasting any precious time,
I took a promptly action and brought him to the bathroom where the ablution process went on.
but before that i asked him blissfully

(also in english version)

me                : adik,did you know how?
his action  : he smiled and nodded his head
me                : ok,let`s begin!! 1.2.3

In no time,everything is done as smoothly as i hoped for.
 So then, we immediately off to prayer room which is quite near from the bathroom
(just a stone throw away.huhu)

 in Prayer room.

(english + bahasa malaysia version)

me  : adik,are you ready?..
then,he smiled charmingly to me..                                                                                                                  (dalam hati..oh adik you`re macho + comel enough for me)
me  : adik,adik ikoot aper akak wat ok..nnt bacaan dalam solat yg selebihnyer kter blajar lain kali ok..
once again, he smiled charmingly to me and nodded his head.

I recite the 'doa' (lps solat) and Alhamdulillah,everything went smoothly

   ~My Friday is perfect when it ends with a  beautiful smile written in our face~

p/s            => adik,i do hope you`ll continuingly performing the solah. “assolatu imanuddin” and you know what you`re the best nephew that ever been mine.
monologue => mungkin bler adik dah besar nnt, adik ley jadi imam untuk kterorng semua plak.wish for the best and all the best..Your sis forever & always

Your beautiful eyes
Stare right into my eyes
and sometimes I think of you late at night
I don't know why
i want to be somewhere where you are
 I want to be where...
You showed me something that I couldn't see
Opened my eyes and you made me believe
AND you showed me what living is for
I don't want to hide anymore~
My heart has never felt this way before
I'm looking through your
I'm looking through your eyes

                                                                                                                          THE ENd :0 diaapplestory