
Monday 26 December 2011

( ' 10 q = lOLSzismefef ' )

attention : cut and paste from youtube jer nih..yg detail kat bwah nii poon youtuber tuh yg tulis..harap maklum..ASSALAMUALAIKUM AND HELLO WORLD =)

A conversion of market-breaking Cinta Muka Buku by Najwa Latif with lyrics with better messages to the Muslim youths. All copyrights goes to Najwa Latif for the original song.
I got to say that Cinta Muka Buku was a great song, a very catchy and unique song, but it is sending a slightly bad idea to the teenagers out there. Firstly, pre-marital intimate relationships is forbidden. Loving someone is not wrong, because it's the very nature of human. But as soon as the characters in the original song started to take wrong actions about it, ie. asking to go out or date without legitimate ties , then the love is tainted.Islam teaches us to channel that feeling accordingly which is the ultimate conclusion of any relationship between a man and a woman, marriage. Secondly, love is degraded when the persons in the song are described to fell in love because of Facebook. Yes, there are cases in which couples married and their first meeting was on the virtual world, but there are a lot of risks and threats when we talk about online interactions and infatuations. Paedophiles,Criminals,Cheaters,Syndicate-men, Drugs Mule and any that you can think of.

Nevertheless, I want to stressed out again , Najwa Latiff is a great singer and the original song is superb. However, as a Muslim with a clear purpose in life , we need to consider the consequencesof our actions to the society. Music and arts are a great tool of dakwah , so use your talents to do something that can be beneficial to life in the Hereafter. Peace!

p/s = pas habis dgr tross smgt nak taruh kat dalam blog..bkk2 fb nmpak bnder nih..pas2 usha largh..ok nii mmg sgt awesome + nice..insaf kowt pas dgr..especially part
" if he/ she really loves you he/she wouldn`t asks you  to do something you know is wrong.It wouldn`t  be love if it means taking them further and further away from Allah ..If you really love him / her you don`t even want to touch her before it was halal ,not even the slightest  bit not even her/his hearts.You will respect his/her dignity and chastity"..

monologue = Ya Allah bantulah kami..Lindungilah cinta kami..Serahkanlah cinta kami pada yg berhak menerimanya..Kau kuatkan lah hati kami.."jadikanlah kami seorang muslim yg sentiasa mengejar cintaMU" amiin..

The end :o diaapplestory

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