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ni argh some of ma fweend yg sgt gorgeous+machoes.. p/s=peace yoh!!cantik x bjuu klass kterorng?? |
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ni lak jiran tersayang kiterowang (3rk)..bjuu mereker smart gak.. p/s = 9 owang dapat 8As |
Assalamualaikum and hello world..Fuhh, getting stuck in a moment so (@__@) hihi
the sun shows its appearance by shining brightly accompanied by the azure skies and yaah not forgotten,the trees are swaying in the wind beautifully while the birds are chirping noisily..As usual,I,me do my mundane,genuine routine ;brush teeth,watch television and surve the net (fb) and so on..Little did I knew that how today gonna be a massive day FOR ME..ok2 actually it`s a day where i`m gonna receive my PMR result..fuhh..trembling..
22 December 2011, the most historical moment for me,(including 3 kaa ship organization largh kan) the time where all form 3 students re-grouping,re-gathering,reunion
( re segaler bagailah tambah sendiri) erm for one reason {receiving the Pmr Result}
fUHH..Alhamdulillah our class booked a record according to THE ChaRMING SIR ZAINAL(dah lmer nak cakap kat sir tapii maluu largh..hihihi)...aLHAMDULILLAH, 4 girls from our class receiving 9As while a boy receiving 8a 1b and 2 girls get 7a 2b.. ( slmer nih kaa mner pnah dapat 9a sampai 4 orang..huhu..bagii kitew kowang semuer cool x kisah largh straight A ker x bab korang semuer mgalami penigkatan..bak kater kawan kitew: TRIAL DOWN but PMR UP!! )
"Ya Allah, 10s for giving me the feeling again..You give me to feel the happiness again FOR the second time I`am still remember the feeling of joy when i`am receiving 5As in UPSR a few years ago but now you give me on getting straight As in PMR..I`m such a lucky girl..10s Allah"..Hope i can feel this feeling again when i`m receiving My SPM result..Amiin..
argh..just now i listening blissfully to a song (taylor swift`s song) called long live..owh man!! it`s freaking me out..awesome!!!..owh MAN how i miss all the time we together..I saw our pic..i`m alone then you came and you just shine for me..love you..You are my sweetheart,my hubby,my honeybaney and importantly my sun..huhu..10s for all the memories
- for always reckon on me
- for always be there for me
- for always shine for me
- for always backuping me
- for always make a super duper hilarious joke
- for always calm myself
- for always accepting my childish soul
- for always coaxing me when i mad,sad and so on
- for always be my gorgeous and macho friend
- for always forgiving my ridiculous + absurd fault
- for always teach me what Islam,live and friendship are
by the way in conclusion :10s for everything you did for me..yours is appreciated and
Saya x kan berjaya dapat 9A klo korang x tlong sayer..korang
adalah penyebabnyer..betool x tipu!!!
This love is OURS!!
p/s => hah tu jer largh yg dapat kitew fikir nak tulis apew..but hubby,korang ttp dalam hatii ktew cause korang selalu ada bler diperlukan..hatii ktew tlh dicurii oleh korang bab tuh largh ktew x interested dalam couple2 nih..hahaha..LOL
MONOLOGUE => klo kitew pindah,hope korang ttp ingat kat kitew..kitew sayang korang banyak2..jgn sedey =fb kan ader,blog kan ader and yg penting ALLAH kan ader=always love you!!!
~Words don't come easy without a melody
I'm always thinkin'
In terms of do-re-mi
I should be hikin', swimmin', laughin' with you
Instead I'm all out of the tune
But what you don't know
But what you don't know
You lift me off the ground
You're inspiration
You help me find myself
Just like a bass line in half time
You hold down the groove
That's why I'm counting on you~
THE END :0 Diaaapplestory
loading at baju tu will never stop kan... i know3.. haha
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