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!!dude back to school..miss you thisss much school cause someone special there!! |
Fuhh..I am trembling right now;my heart beats faster than usual..AM i fallen in love or what??..dont know and don`t think so..Oh i know it`s because of back to school fever (dah macam bieber fever plak dah) hahaha..Hah,hurmm i know it is just in the nick of time So, as for today,oh baby, i think i wanna marry you.. wanna write about school and my preparation toward it..Oh excited excited!!
Before that, let me give you the definition of school,teacher and students (according to wikipedia)
First thing first,
- S.C.H.O.O.L (speel it right) = SCHOOL
A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory..
- T to the E to the a c h e r (cheer stuff..guess so) =TEACHER
A teacher or schoolteacher is a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults)
- s2dents (teens style) = STUDENTS
A student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational
institution. In some nations, the English term (or its cognate in
another language) is reserved for those who attend university, while a schoolchild under the age of eighteen is called a pupil in English (or an equivalent in other languages). In its widest use, student is used for anyone who is learning.
hmmm =>back to the topic again ; "school and my preparation toward it"
as for me..school is school issssssssssssssssssssssssss....
s.c.h.oo.l is awesomeeee..huhu
owh,it`s a waited moment;I` am soooo excited cause it is time to go back to school again
where there i gonna meet "her" and meet "him" after a super dooper long time
what?? who are them..owh man it`s secret..
you know what?? i kindda yearn "her" and "him" majorly
but i also looooooooooooooooooveeeeeeeeee them heartly
erm..ok..ok.. i`ll tell you..they are 3 kaa ship organization..
hahaha..see i told you before don`t ever ever underestimate me..I`m not a lesbian and yes of course i don`t have A BOY FRIEND..(ok tipu largh, x kan x der bf..aper kawan ko tu bukan lelaki ker??).. "ukhuwah fillah abadan abada "
ok.sorry dude..What I mean is I don`t have any Special BOY FRIEND..I repeated SPECIAL BOY FRIEND..cewah..not interested, I prefer the legal relationship (married ties)
so to show all my love and how excited i`am to back to school, i`ve done some window shopping and yup not forgotten done some shopping for several useful, kindda awesome and must-buy stuffs such as
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teringat plak zaman kindergarten gituh.hahaha |
- kain ela (used them in making my pride and joy, "da" school attire)
- cool shoes (ala window shopping jer)
- not so azure veil (ermm...i hope)
- a brownish Pashmina shawl (ok=nii x der kaitan lgsg)
- "a" cute hair clip (ops..terlebih shopping sudah;dasar kejam belii bab comel)
p/s => argh..i kindda blurr right now..didn`t know what to write about anymore..so, i think this is all for today..see you again sweetheart , p.c
ok..it`s (this p.o.s.t) kindda boring..well, i`m just a normal human being with a childish soul inside
(ayat klise..hahaha)LOL
monologue => awak tak mara saya kan?? hah sebab tu largh saya sayang awak sgt2..awak wat saya special !!! (n_n)
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
~It's a roller-coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much~
THE END :0 diaapplestory
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